Friday, January 23, 2015

I have a voice

I have a voice and I want to write
I wrote today
A poem about place
Turned out to be about people instead!
Need to add to it - how the place made the friendship possible the people memorable

Reading cooling off day now
I love writers like alfian sa'at though to him I may just be a civil servant dummy

I love musicians like aravind  sir too!

And I too have a voice I can share

Reading about g e 2011 makes me excited inside
Recalls the excitement r if that year that election
Suddenly I felt I could play a part in the politics - vote watch history being made feel some trepidation

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Place poetry

Place poetry
I remember
Blk 176 Ang Mo Kio Ave 4
Neighbours who were friends
Still meet up now years later
At weddings
At celebrations of birth
Blk 176
Playground below
Friends – older kids and younger kids
Santhosh, Santhiah
Tharini Gokul
Visu Nimal
Karthik Ramana
Danny Anand
Two child policy very much in practice!
Catherine Aunty and … Uncle
Indra Aunty
A world, a world
A world of Singaporeans who were once foreigners

You ask me to write a poem about a place
I can only write about a place through its people

-          23 Jan 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

survivor baby

based on the true story of a baby found in a garden by an old couple - what a heroic story, wonder how the baby is now - he should 2 years old by now I think