Monday, April 25, 2011

Cotton the Baby Oriole

This story too is adapted from a real live incident reported by ACRES - one of the animal welfare organisations in Singapore.

One day, a little baby golden oriole named Cotton, was trying to practise flying. However, it didn't know how to fly and it fell down to the ground. A kind little girl saw the baby bird on the ground and called the Animal rescue company, ACRES, to help the bird.
The ACRES heroes came and picked up the bird and put it in a small cardboard box full of leaves and twigs, like a make-shift nest. Then they placed the box on top of their van right below the Oriole Nest, which they could see from the ground, high up in the trees.
The mummy and daddy orioles were overjoyed to see their baby safe in the box up on the truck. They came and kissed it and then they immediately went to look for food to feed the baby bird.
After eating, the poor baby bird was still too scared to try and fly.
So the ACRES heroes bravely started climbing the tree with the baby bird in their hands. The Mummy and Daddy bird didn't know these people were helping them and tried to attack the climber but the hero perservered. He then put the baby down on the lowest branch of the tree.
The baby bird started hopping up the branch and the tree until it finally reached its own nest. The Mummy and Daddy birds were very happy and showered the baby bird with kisses. And all three birds then lived happily ever after!

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