7 metaphor poem
Imagination is ... a splash of colour on a white canvas
Colour is ...a thief stealing from nature
A thief is
Colour is laughter in times of despair
Laughter is
Learning to cycle in a day
A day is hope standing at the window
a thief stealing from rainbows
A thief is memory
Memory is a leaf from the pages of time
Time is a dream long forgotten in hope
Dream is the hope to hold a little one one day
Despair is the arrival of the flow month after month, dashing the rocks of hope
Hope is a plus on home test kit, sending tears coursing down the cheeks
Tears is thanks to the heavens for a prayer answered
Horror is the splotches of red well before the date
Red is the life blood of the newborn
Wonder is is holding the baby in the hands marvelling at its perfection the wonder of creation
Joy is a baby's hand brushing yours, signing peace i
Peace is a baby sitting I yir lab nibbling an apple
Love is...
Patience is watching a spoonful of rice travel
Suspense is watching a spoonful of rice travel from plate to mouth - will even a grain make it to the end?
Pride is .. on stage piano cycling