Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Years years go by
You never leave
No matter how happy I am
How busy I am
You stay right there

Do I need you out
Maybe not
Just a fact
You are there

I'm sad a bit
I think..
Is it not right?
Is it..wrong?
If it's just a fact
Is it just there
Neither good nor bad? 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Roosting time

A flock of white birds in undulating flight
A flock of green parrots calling frantically to one
another... " you ready?  You? How but you? All ready" before taking off on on accord from a tree, green tails flicking behind them. Two mynahs leave off being annoying let go of squabbles and fly off in a pair earnestly determinedly heading north .... to their roosting tree probably , rushing to get there before dark  anxious not to be late
An early bat swoops down along the way too long wings and tiny snout all upturned
Dusk is here and the birds go to roost