Sunday, March 11, 2018

Song by the kids I've imagined

I've imagined how the stars look in the night sky
I've imagined how the star fish look in the  deep sea
I've imagined the pyramids on scalding sand
I've imagined emperor penguins sliding in ice
I've imagined boiling lava rising in volcanoes
I've imagined the earth just cracking along fault lines
I've imagined the snowy owl spreading its wings in silent flight
I've imagined the naked mole rat digging deep in tunnels
I can imagine a

But i just can't imagine
Doing primary 4 maths

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Song for my son

A little song for my 6 year old

There's a whole world out there even if we cant see it
Even if we feel crammed in and cooped up in our head space
There's a world out there
I wish i could roll out the earth under your feet
Kiss you good luck as you set out
Let you know you will fail and you will rise. Its ok.
My love my love you have the world within you.

The magic nature box

Maya loved all things in nature.
She took a shoe box and covered in paper and called it her nature box
She collected a leaf and some twigs in her box.
That night she woke up suddenly. She heard sounds from her box! Roars and metallic clinks! She rushed to the box and opened it but nothing!
This was puzzling.
The next it happened again.
When she opened the box... nothing.
So the next day she made two small holes in the side of the box

At night the sounds started again. She walked quietly up to the box and peered in through the holes. What a sight met Her!
The leaf was now a dragon roaring and breathing fire.  The taller twig was now a stick man brandishing the smaller twig like a sword and they were in full battle. The little girl watched with her eyes wide open .
The man was about to slash the fore breathing dragon she gave a gasp. Both dragon and man turned. The man said... monster charge! And he rushed to the hole with his sword while the Dragon blew fire at the hole. The little girl pulled back just in time. The roaring and clashing continued all thru the night.

Next day she put in two pebbles in the box.
The sounds startes again at night. She peered in. Now there were two mountains. The dragon was hiding behind the mountains and breathing fire throigh the mountain pass. The knight was not able to get near the Dragon and they tried fighting. Saw the eyes charged
Next day she added a flower stalk and a sea shell. 
Flower stalk turned into a flying umbrella and the knight flew above the Dragon fighting it. The shell turned into a protective shield. Again they attacked.
She added a berry.
It turned into a sun.
What will she add next? What will it turninto